The Labour Day sail in proved to be the grand finale of the club’s 2010 on the water events. Quite a few former members attended and some of them even re-joined. Gayle, Jacqueline & Robbie Uthoff let us use their property on Saturna Island for group dinners both Saturday and Sunday night. We also got to meet the newest addition to their family – Karl Alexander Gerhart Uthoff – born July 2010. Tami Harker, Denise Kerr & her friend Suzanne brought their musical instruments so there was entertainment both nights. Also, Denise demonstrated Maori dancing with lit “poi” (balls attached to flax strings twirled about). It was quite spectacular and a little scary. As usual, there was a fun race Sunday afternoon and this year there was just enough wind for everyone to have a good sail. Winner was Dream Chaser, second Bad Kitty & third Santispac. Those who crossed the strait mid morning Monday had, in Walter Payne’s words, an “exhilarating” ride home in 4 to 5 foot waves and winds up to 28 knots.